As introduction I would like to mention that I am aware that Demo class is currently full. Just making the application in case the situation will ever change, 'cause I am pretty eager to get in for several reasons.
Real Name: Pavel
Age: 26
Country: Estonia
A little info about yourself: I am a student at the University of Tartu (still) and working as a Java/PHP programmer (well, actualy not for much longer, as I finally decided to graduate from university). I am a huge fan of computer games, especially RPG and Quest genres. I've been playing PC games since age of 10 or so and I think I am never gonna stop, a very nice hobby.
In-game name: Ulvi
What race/class would you want to play?: Demonologist (Stygian)
How much are you planning on playing AoC?: 4-6 hours a day
Have you played any other MMORPG's ? if yes please specify: I've been playing WoW since 2005 (up until now), Eve Online since 2006, played Guild Wars, Tabula Rasa, Everquest II and Star Wars: Galaxies for some time, but quit. In WoW I am a BT, MH raiding Mage, enjoying this class most of all, that's why I decided to give Demo a try in AoC.
What is Your raiding experianceIn these games: in WoW the only type of game I enjoy is end-game raiding. I've been raiding for a long time and my current guild was extremely successful in raiding.
What are you expecting from Destiny?: I am expecting to be in a community of friendly people, who have a similar goal in mind - to enjoy raiding, while being the best at it.
How would you describe your playing style?: Well, I am used to dealing serious damage while maintaining my threat from a distance. If I understood the question right, that is my answer
What are your most Important goals in AoC: To enjoy successful raiding.
After one month of playing with Destiny in AoC, how would we describe you?: A devoted member of a community, knowing how to handle himself and always willing to help. Also, someone with a weird sense of humor.
Why should we recruit you?: The biggest reason would be - I am willing to be there for the team 100%. I am never going to miss any major events (until there is something really important in RL happening), I am always willing to lend a hand.
Anything you want to add?: One of the many reasons I would like to join is also that I know a few people currently recruited - they are my guild members from World of Warcarft.