Real Name: David
Age: 18
Country: UK (Wales ;p)
A little info about yourself: Currently doing an IT College course, usual stuff. Have a severe lucozade addiction =(
In-game name: Krosoark
What race/class would you want to play?: Bear Shaman (Cim)
How much are you planning on playing AoC?: A hell of a lot.
Have you played any other MMORPG's ? if yes please specify: SWG, EQ, WoW, GW etc few others yet played hardcore WoW from its launch till the downing of KT in Naxxarmas. BC was ok.
What is Your raiding experianceIn these games: Again with WoW, I played this game so much. Launch to finish of the standalone game hardcored up between server firsts and seconds
What are you expecting from Destiny?: Nice dedicated community for it's aims.
How would you describe your playing style?: An achiever?
What are your most Important goals in AoC: Seeing all its content.
After one month of playing with Destiny in AoC, how would we describe you?: Crazy assed Welsh man
Why should we recruit you?: I'm dedicating and willing to help with the guild.
Anything you want to add?: Uhm, level 48 atm brink of level 49 like a bar apart. Not from early access ;p