Real Name: Lasse
Age: 57
A little info about yourself: I´m a network administrator, work in 2 schools here in Stockholm, Sweden, got
2 grown up kids and i just love travelling.
In-game name: lasseman
What race/class would you want to play?:Atm i have a Conqurer lvl 20 and a Necromancer lvl 10, think i go
for the Conquerer.
How much are you planning on playing AoC?:Round 4 hours a day, weekends a lot more.
Have you played any other MMORPG's ? if yes please specify: I´ve played EQ, EQ2, WoW and LOTR
What is Your raiding experianceIn these games: I been doing a lot of raiding during my time
What are you expecting from Destiny?: To make friends and have some god raiding.
How would you describe your playing style?: I like to join up with friends and do achievements in game.
What are your most Important goals in AoC:To have fun
After one month of playing with Destiny in AoC, how would we describe you?: Strong and healthy
Why should we recruit you?:I´m helpfull, a good listener and defenite.
Anything you want to add?: